[Art director / UX Designer]
Some projects where I create the concept
Connessioni Natura is a concept that explores the deep, intrinsic links between humanity and the natural world. Through this c
The Sound of Recycling is both an artifact and an installation created for the MakeZurich23 hackathon in order to collect elec
Box of secrets is a social #experiment and a temporary #installation. The project was born from the idea of a hidden personal
Nature could create fascinating things. Imagine that we could merge together nature and technology with machine learning. Imag
Plan your class and stay balance. FunMoveFit is a platform I have created as a proof of concept, I have create the brand guide
Crowdfree is a recommender system with a fabulous UI that can recommend great restaurants and cafes that are free from crowds,
In September 2020 one of my proudest project was co-founding a work-life balance platform called Balancever. As the design lea
CHance Vote Equality is a crossmedia campaign, created to inform people about votation of 20th October in Switzerland. In this
I love Poster Design. It makes you the opportunity to put all your creativity in one sight.
In that day you want that everything is perfect. FS Lab can help you to create something really special.