Winner Contest Brand Identity La Fabbrica di Zurigo

Concept Logo studium Business card Flyer A collaboration with Annalisa Cosentino (Digital Twilight) to create the rebranding o

PeaceandMum, Facebook page and blog

Peaceandmum is a noprofit brand that I create during the first months of maternity to support mothers on web. I’ve desig

Playboy Night Out for A-Tono

A “non-place” in which boys and girls can freely express themselves on the theme of seduction, an online mini-site

Escape from water

Escape from water is an installation-event  that has a video-photographic approach. Water is the main theme, water become

Kia after sales, website Kia Motors for A-Tono

Website Aftersales – Kia Motors. Mobile version  

Puppets for Stop Motion

This is Jean Piérre, a character create for a video stop motin. I’ve done the puppet, starting from the character desi

Mobile Ticketing for A-Tono Press Campain “Mobile tickting”. Mobile ticketing is the process whereby customers can

Kia Sportage for A-Tono

Mediastars, section Internet & Multimedia: Special Star in Concept Design to A-Tono for Kia Sportage GPL +

Kia Views for A-Tono A newsletter that is more than you usually have seen. A website where you can find more about Kia

Viva la vida

Viva la vida is a Noprofit Association. I’ve realized the brand identity and the website. The logo for the presentation